9 Winter Self-Care Tips


It’s official - the clocks have been pushed back and our days are a little darker. Not to mention they are getting considerably colder! My mood is certainly affected this time of year, and while I may not have the full-fledged seasonal affective disorder (SAD), which apparently only affects 2% of Americans, I certainly notice my own version of the winter blues, which they call subsyndromal SAD, a mild form of the disorder. Here are some easy tips I incorporate into my days to combat the winter blues:

  1. Get Outside - Studies suggest you should get outside within two hours of waking up to help regulate your circadian rhythm. I know it’s hard when it’s cold outside, but I have an idea to incentivize you…

  2. Buy Yourself a Colorful New Scarf - There is nothing like a new, snuggly scarf that makes you feel cute and cozy! I keep my coats for years and years, but I buy a new scarf each season. It’s a simple, inexpensive purchase that gets me excited about getting dressed to head outside.

  3. Keep Your Skin Moisturized - Nothing drains my mood faster than dry skin and dry lips. In the winter, I switch from a moisturizer to Aesop’s Fabulous Face Oil in the evenings, and I’m in love with the Henne lip mask. It was the only thing that nursed my lips back to health after some recent travel to Colorado. I also amp up my misting routine in the winter months. A few of my favorite facial mists are Oxalis Jasmine + Coconut Mist, Herbivore Rose Hibiscus Mist and Lilah B Aglow Face Mist.

  4. Drink Hot Lattes or Tea - There’s nothing like a hot cup of tea after a long winter day. Better yet, experiment with fun winter lattes like a Golden Milk or an Adaptogenic Hot Cocoa.

  5. Wake Up Earlier - This is what I like to think of as literally chasing the sun. Go to bed earlier so you can wake up earlier and enjoy more daylight hours. Open your blinds as soon as you wake up to flood your room with light. If you need some help getting out of bed, try creating a crazy, fun playlist, like all of your favorite ‘90s jams. Tell Siri to crank it up.

  6. Journal Daily - Start each day by writing down one thing you are grateful for. If you don’t know what else to journal, simply allow your thoughts to flow, stream of consciousness style. if you start to notice a melancholy undertone to each day or you find it harder to take note of what you’re grateful for, it may be time to consider getting a Light Therapy Lamp and/or talking to a professional.

  7. Get a Winter Buddy - Find someone you can plan a weekly hang out with to ensure you don’t isolate yourself too much. Isolation increases the risk of depression.

  8. Use Scents to Boost Your Mood - Light a warming spice candle or add some mood-boosting essential oils to your diffuser like Orange, Lemon, and Sandalwood.

  9. Plant Some Indoor Herbs - You’re likely seeing less nature in your daily routine, so bring a little nature inside. I love planting some mint in a cute container near my kitchen sink. I can add fresh mint to my hot tea in the evenings, plus it’s hard to forget to water it when it’s right next to a faucet!

Beyond any tips to ward off seasonal depression, remember that it’s okay to slow down a little this time of year. It’s okay to snuggle up with a blanket, a cup of hot cocoa and your favorite Netflix movie. Just don’t make it a nightly routine. Keep an eye on your habits to make sure you are still mingling with friends, moving your body, and enjoying the season to the best of your ability. Because just like any other season, it will be over before you know it, and you’ll be watching snow melt and the flowers bloom in no time.

What are your favorite ways to prevent the winter blues or seasonal affective disorder? Share in the comments down below. Wishing you a bright and cheerful winter.



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