5 Things I Wish I'd Known as a First-Time Entrepreneur
As a 4x entrepreneur, I know how it feels to hustle for your small biz. I also know how it feels to crash and burn.
My journey to a successful and healthy career has been full of mistakes and bumps in the road, but I MADE IT THROUGH — and you can, too. I want to be a resource for you so that you don’t make the same mistakes I did. Transparency is my gift to you - I hold nothing back because there’s no shame in making mistakes, so long as we learn a thing or three along the way.
Here are 5 things I wish I’d known before I started my business:
1. Having a North Star is critical.
Your Vision and Values are your True North, and your business won't thrive without them. You can’t see the future of your business — let alone make it happen — if you can’t articulate your primary aim, values, and brand purpose.
Need some help with that? Download my free worksheet.
Systems save you from stress, anxiety, and wasted resources. It's far easier to set up systems as you go than to backtrack and set up systems after years of doing it the hard way. Document systems AS you polish and tweak them, rather than trying to remember every step after the fact. Use programs like Loom to record short videos, and an online program like Trello or Asana to document the steps.
Upleveler tip: Turn your tried-and-true systems and procedures into TEMPLATES in Asana/Trello, so next time someone needs to write a blog post for your company, they can simply duplicate the board, adjust the due dates and details, and get to work!
3. Make your mental health as much of a priority as your business's health.
Block time in your calendar for self-care, days off, and personal development. No matter what anyone else says, don't allow those to be negotiable. They are just as vital to the success of your business as the time spent in sales or marketing. And no matter how successful you are, imposter syndrome and doubt will rear their ugly head throughout your journey.
Find a friend or mentor who can help you during these times, and keep a few mantras on hand that you can recite when you feel the doubt creeping in.
Here are 3 mantras I find to be effective:
I am living my purpose.
I choose to focus my energy on empowering my dreams.
Rather than listening to my fears, I’m listening to my heart’s desires.
4. You alone don't have all the skills to run a business.
Once you realize this, you can ditch the notion that you need to be a superwoman or that your business isn't big enough or successful enough to hire help yet. In fact, your business depends on your hiring help early on. Your quality of life depends on it as well. Help can come in the form of a contractor – it doesn't have to be an employee.
Help also comes in the form of a coach, mentor, or group of fellow businesswomen who will challenge you, support you and hold you accountable. Sound like exactly what you need? Join US inside the Upleveler Society today.
Speaking of asking for help...
Outsource tasks that you are bad at and hate doing can actually MAKE you money.
Picture this: you delay launching your online store for 6 months while you try to DIY it. Meanwhile, you're making $0 and feeling more and more frustrated every day.
The alternative? Hire a web designer for $2,000, start selling by month 2, and by month 6, add up the surplus of money you have in your account AFTER you deduct your web designer fees.
Is the initial investment out of reach for you right now? Consider offering a trade. Or find a young designer who will cut you a deal in exchange for the portfolio boost.
5. A mentor or coach could be exactly what you need.
There's extreme value in a coach, mentor, or close group of friends who are also on an entrepreneurial journey. Not everyone will understand this journey, and that's okay.
Find someone who's walked the road before you and can guide you away from pitfalls, someone who will encourage you when you want to give up, someone who will motivate you to dream bigger. Even surrounding yourself with people who are also on an entrepreneurial journey can be the greatest motivation for you!
I launched the Upleveler Society, a group coaching membership program, because I heard women asking for a clear and actionable plan to help them build their empires with a sense of clarity and wherewithal that I knew I could give them. Join US, grow with us, uplevel with us.
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