15 Mantras To Combat Holiday Stress
Along with all things merry and bright often comes a heavy dose of the “S” word … stress. Especially this year — when everything we know has been flipped upside down — the holidays may feel even more stressful or lonely than usual. Finances might be tight. Families may argue over what’s safe and what’s not. Many of us will be staying home alone rather than traveling to see loved ones. It’s a lot.
But the good news is that YOU are in control of your feelings! One of my favorite phrases goes something like this: “Not everything you tell yourself is true, but you are the one listening.” It’s just enough of a kick-in-the-pants to remind me that if I want to feel better, I need to tell myself nice things.
Mantras can help us tell a nicer story. So, lift your spirits and say nice, supportive things to yourself all holiday long with these 15 mantras:
When you are overwhelmed:
1. I have control over how I feel, and I choose to feel at peace.
2. I give myself permission to let go of what no longer serves me.
3. It will get done.
When you are lonely:
4. I can make space for loneliness and practice being kind to myself.
5. We are all connected after all.
6. Loneliness will always pass.
When money is tight:
7. I will always have enough.
8. Gratitude awakens the good in my life.
9. I give and receive with grace.
10. I open my heart and accept others as they are.
11. Stay present. Get grounded. I have nothing but love to give.
12. I choose uplifting encounters, and I have the power to remove myself from negative situations.
When you are Down on yourself:
13. I am deserving and worthy of all good things.
14. I treat myself with love and respect.
15. I give myself permission to prioritize the things that bring me joy, creativity, and connection.
I'm becoming the creative CEO of my dreams, and she's everything I knew she could be.