How to Make a Vision Board


Guest contribution courtesy of Rocket Mortgage

As we approach the end of the holidays and the beginning of a new year, it’s a perfect time to reflect and refocus our dreams and goals. The year 2020 was difficult for many and you might even find that your goals have shifted. You may discover that the things that used to be most important are no longer at the top of the list and new goals have made their way forward. So, why not create a vision board to help manifest those new dreams into a reality?

Putting together a vision board is a creative practice that helps you set clear short- and long-term goals for your future, and then provides you with a visual tool to help manifest those goals. Whether your dream is to grow your creative business, take a selfie in every national park in the country, become a first-time homeowner, start a family, or finally bake that perfect sourdough bread, a vision board can inspire you to stay on track to reach those dreams. 


Tips to Create a Meaningful Vision Board

But, it’s much more involved than just cutting some images out of a magazine and pasting them into a collage. Vision boards are made with thoughtful intention and should be filled with visual reminders, images, and words that inspire you. 

For more tips, check out this guide to creating a vision board. You’ll be truly inspired by the example vision boards and the tips on how to integrate your board into your space. Or, download these prompts to align your goals with your vision board. They are the perfect way to start thinking about what you want in 2021 and broken down into topics like career, well-being, and family.

Vision Board Prompts.png

Ready to make your vision board? 

Now, let's talk about supplies and ways you can make the creation process feel magical and fun.

You’ll need:

  • posterboard, foam board or cardboard, to use as the base

  • glue sticks or double-sided tape

  • magazines - a lot of them. Gather a nice assortment (home, travel, business, family, and health), and you can even print images from Pinterest if you have a really specific vision you aren’t certain you’ll be able to find in a magazine

Create some ambiance by gathering a few floor cushions, pillows and blankets and your favorite candles or essential oils. Break open a bottle or wine or make a special adaptogen-filled hot tea. And don’t forget about setting the mood with music! A fun new year playlist should do the trick, or this one seems pretty epic if you like upbeat pop tunes, or this one is fun if you’re more into classics mixed with some new indie rock. If you’d like, you can practice a nice grounding meditation before you start your vision board to clear your mind and focus on that dreamy future of yours.

Finally, invite a good friend over, or better, yet, join me virtually on 01.01.21 for a VISION BOARD soirée! RSVP here.

I’d love to know, will you be making a vision board for 2021? Tell me in the comments below!