5 Ways to Unlock Financial Abundance
Manifesting your next sale isn't as simple as wishing for the money and it suddenly appears. Although at times we wish it was that easy to reach our financial goals, it takes work — mentally and emotionally — to make our big dreams come true.
And the truth is, sometimes we say we want something, but we have mental blocks that are keeping us from having it. It's our job to recognize the blocks and break through them so we can truly call in the abundance we long for. This requires consistent practice — and an accountability partner doesn’t hurt.
Shift your energy. When you feel good about about money, you're much more likely to attract more money. So if you find yourself feeling worried or sad about a lack of money, I want you to do this: start jumping up and down, or start dancing... something to create an energetic shift.
While you move, repeat these phrases: "More money, no problem. More money, no problem. My vibe is my currency. I easily find abundance. Money flows easily to me. My vibe is my currency and my vibe is high.” Smile while you say this things to yourself.
You can riff or ad lib, but your goal is to shift into a positive and magnetic frame of mind as quickly as possible ... to trust in what you cannot yet see.
You will feel silly the first time you do it. That’s okay. It may take you longer to really believe what you’re saying at first. That’s okay, too. Be patient with yourself. With time, you’ll be able to drop into this magnetic frame of mind with less energy - and by making less of a scene. ;)
Pay your bills in gratitude. Any other way is acting out of fear, and fear is not an energy that attracts, it repels. Repeat after me: "I'm thankful for this bill, because it allows me to ________ [live comfortably in my home // stay connected to friends and family // fill in the blank].
Decide that making money is easy. Feel into that state of mind. When you find yourself thinking or feeling like it is hard, tell yourself it gets to be easy. It is easy.
Get really clear on how much you want and the life you want to live and be proud of those desires. If any part of you feels guilty or wrong, you must go deeper and do more work. You are worthy of your desires. What story is telling you to feel ashamed? What story is telling you to feel guilty? Get to the root of the story and debunk it. Only then can you really feel your true desires and therefore start to bring them to life.
Believe that you are good with money. Believe that you are capable of not just earning a lot of money, but that you are also capable of spending it wisely, investing it wisely, and always having more than enough of it. Abundant is your middle name. This is how your take your magnetic money state of mind to the next level. Calling in more money is great, spending it with joy and trusting more will always be there is the real uplevel.
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