Is Perfectionism Holding You Back?
The term “perfectionism” is thrown around a lot. It means a lot of things to many people, but the bottom line is: Perfectionism is a form of self-sabotage. Let’s back it up and explain why we see it that way.
You were supposed to launch two weeks ago, but you keep putting finishing touches on a piece of art or a landing page or a song.
You're filled with doubt ... "what if no one wants to buy it?" ... so you keep fine tuning the copy on your sales page rather than hitting publish and sharing it with potential buyers.
Every time you delay due to perfectionism, you're standing in the way of your own success. Read that again and let it really sink in.
At the root of perfectionism is typically FEAR, DOUBT, or a FRAGILE EGO, and sometimes, it's a little of all three. You’re afraid no one will buy what you’ve worked so hard to create, or you’re worried about judgments from people on social media or your friend group.
We convince ourselves that if we just research more, write more, practice more, or “do more,” it will be ready for debut, and we will no longer be afraid or vulnerable.
But, the truth is, the longer we delay something, the bigger it becomes in our head, and the more our fragile emotions feel like they are taking us on a ride. In other words, by delaying a launch in search of perfection, we create more worry and doubt, and we ultimately rob ourselves of so much joy!
We also guarantee that no one will buy or express interest… because it’s not even there for them to see or experience!
As a creative entrepreneur, we have to come to terms with the fact that “perfect” doesn’t really exist (and frankly, we shouldn’t want it to).
Instead, messy action that moves you forward and is what matters most.
So think for a moment about that project that you’re waiting to finish until it’s completely perfect… are you overthinking it and hanging on for the moment it’s 100% perfect to finish it?
Perfectionism stems from overthinking and worrying about how something will be received. I’ve seen (and personally had) so many projects stalled because of perfectionism. And it’s no fun for anyone!
Here are 3 questions you can ask yourself next time you stall a project because it’s “not perfect yet:”
Where am I holding on to the need to be perfect? And how is it affecting my ability to make decisions?
How does it feel when I imagine myself moving toward my goals and making decisions with confidence?
What do I vow to do within the next week that will move me closer to my goals?
Messy action will allow us to find out what actually works and helps our business, life, and goals move forward. Once we know what works or doesn’t, we can plan and dream accordingly.
So go make a mistake! And then brush your shoulders off!
I know it FEELS monumental. And in some ways it is a really big deal!
Announcing a new offering. Raising your prices. Picking a website platform. Changing your brand colors. Saying yes or no to a client.
These things do matter. But deep down you know the only way forward is through. Success doesn’t hinge on everything being perfect, and it certainly doesn’t come by delaying decisions.
You can do this! Let’s be brave enough to make mistakes and brush our shoulders off.
Need some support on your growth journey? Join US, a high-vibe membership for creatives. It’s so much easier to take messy action when you have a support group of women going and growing through the exact same thing.
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