Instagram for Business: 7 Caption Ideas


Using Instagram as a platform for your business is a great way to connect with your target audience. You can build connections, make sales, tell a story, and so much more just through an Instagram account. The opportunity for success on this platform is why it is so important for your business to not just check the to-do list box, but do it right.

You have your IG content and you have your badass biz, so … where do you go from here? 

Sometimes you have a perfect idea or a great picture to share, but you don’t know how to put it into words. Or you may be unsure of how to make it marketable. I’m going to share some of my best tips when it comes to writing Instagram captions and where to start. 

But first, REMEMBER: Instagram is NOT your business. It’s a marketing tool to grow your business.  It won’t do all the hard work for you, and it can take you down a rabbit hole, so it’s best to have a game plan and a strategy before you ever open the app.

When drafting a caption that converts, let the Ice Cream Method (yes, such a delish method!) guide you.

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  1. Start out with your main content pillars, which you can think of as your cone - the foundation for your ice cream sundae. You should have about 3-5 content pillars, and a pillar should be a topic that your audience wants to hear about and that aligns with your genius zone or product. (Hot tip: more often than not, your personal story is a great content pillar!)

  2. From there move onto the hook–or the first scoop of ice cream. This is how you reel people in and make them want to read the rest of the caption. You know those tantalizing headlines on the cover of a fashion magazine that make you want to buy the whole issue? That’s a hook. Find varying ways to capture your audience’s attention with those first two lines that appear when someone is scrolling the feed.

  3. The next step is the second scoop of ice cream or the value of the caption. This is where you answer the mystery you hinted at in your hook, or you educate, or you inspire, or you share more of the story.

  4. Once that is solid, add that third scoop of ice cream and introduce a call to action, often referred to as a CTA. This is where you ask your reader to do something: click the link in bio, tag a friend, comment and tell me what you think, etc. Varying up your CTA is essential because you’re nurturing a relationship, and you would never ask your friend to do the same thing every time you spoke with him/her, so you shouldn’t do that to your IG friends either.

  5. Finally, load it up with sprinkles, which are the hashtags and location of your post. Hashtags and location are beneficial for getting your content in front of more eyes. If your content doesn’t show up in those discovery feeds, you can’t be discovered by new people!

  6. The cherry on top is the spacing, line breaks, and emojis in the post. Be a good human and add line breaks so that your caption is easier to read, especially if you’re longwinded and like to tell a long story like me. (The key is to remove any spacing after your period or emoji at the end of a paragraph, then space down 2 lines. That will keep your line breaks intact when you hit publish!) Add emojis where it makes sense in the caption and watch them spice up your post.

And voila, you have an ice cream sundae!  

Now that you know the method, let's put it to the test with these seven Instagram caption ideas.

  1. Share your backstory

One way to really connect with your audience is by sharing your personal story. How did you get started — and why did you choose this path?

Did something happen that made you feel called to create the product you felt was missing? Share that story. Use this opportunity to establish yourself as an authority in your industry based on your experience. 

Photo idea: pictures of you at work or photos from your archive.

2. Promote your offer

Always maintain a healthy balance of self-promotion versus other curated content, but don’t be afraid of a little promo! How else will people know what you are selling?! (ICYMI, 40% of your time should be spent selling.)

Describe what you’re selling and how your offer solves their pain points. For example, “Do you wish you had X” or “Ready for Y?” After you paint that picture, share your solution, which is your offer!

Include the features of your product and really hone in on the value it has for your audience. Then end with a reminder of the promise behind your product and don’t forget your call to action.

Why will your specific product or service be their solution? Where can people purchase it and what does that process look like?

Photo idea: your product (duh!) or you if it’s a service-based business.

3. Paint the picture

This idea comes from supplying your audience with something of great value to them. This could be any knowledge that you possess that could make their lives easier or better!

Reel them in with secret tips and make sure it’s aligned with what you know they want more of. For my audience, that could look like proven #CEO tips to get out of the trenches. Then insert what you’re currently doing to help your clients achieve that goal, and show them what that looks like. For example: “I'm currently taking on X new clients for the remainder of the year. Here's what to expect when you work with me.” (Insert the program outline and benefits)

Then end with a call to action that leads people to where they can apply to contact you. “If you’re ready for (insert the thing you teased in your hook), apply through the link in my bio!” Painting the picture is great for showcasing what you do and why someone should work with you or purchase from you.

Photo idea: a cute, share-worthy graphic that goes along with your topic. 

Instagram Tip Not sure what to post_ Use the 3-2-1 Method_ 3 posts that add value 2 posts that connect 1 post that sells. (Rinse and repeat every 6 posts).png

4. Educate them

Writing up an educational post gives your audience valuable information and situates yourself as an industry leader or expert. Dig into what your audience really needs from you. How can you benefit them? 

For example: “3 ways to…” or “The one thing you need to do…” or “5 tools to support…” Make sure this education touches on your customer’s pain points or solves a problem for them so that you’re delivering value they’ll devour with a silver spoon. 

Photo idea: a carousel of graphics. 

5. Stir intrigue 

Stir things up a little! Give people the inside scoop on what it's really like to do what you do. It’s more interesting than you think! Or share an opinion that may go against the grain. Use this method as a way to help your audience and again, establish your authority.

An example of this approach is the hook: “SPOILER ALERT! You do not have to be on Instagram every day to have a six-figure business.” (And yes, this is something I believe wholeheartedly because I am proof of it.) Then go on to share lessons you learned by not doing what the rest of the world is saying you have to do. Remember to be vulnerable while also educating.

Bonus idea: support this post on Instagram stories with some added tips and background behind your approach.

Photo idea: a #TBT to a time when you learned this lesson or a shocking but inspiring quote graphic.

6. Be relatable

Share a moment when you were in their shoes, then share how you overcame the situation. Social media often becomes our highlight reel — remind people that there’s some behind the scenes goings-ons they don’t always see.

Did you make a mistake but learn a great lesson? Did a frustrating situation teach you something about your business? Share! No one likes to feel alone.

This will connect your followers to the human behind your brand. This is so important when it comes to marketing yourself or your business on social media. It doesn’t have to be hard to build connections online when we share these moments with our audience.

Encourage your followers to also share these moments with you in the comments! This is a great way to build a community. 

Photo idea: a photo of your vision board, a photo of you with a friend or client, or a carousel swipe with an “IG vs reality” set of photos.

7. I’M GIVING AWAY $500!

Just kidding. But the last caption idea I’ll share uses the element of surprise. See what I did there? ;)

This one is my favorite. Surprise them. Drop a truth bomb. Share a new product drop, a flash sale, a waitlist opening, or a giveaway.

I love to send followers Starbucks gift cards now and again when I see them commenting and engaging. Keep your audience on their toes so they’ll want to turn on notifications for your content. Don’t get too wrapped up in the routine of social media. Remember to keep it fun, and surprises (good ones, at least) can be so freaking fun!

While it’s beneficial to stick to what works, don’t be afraid to throw in a surprise every now and then. 

Photo idea: a graphic that makes them stop in their tracks.

Unless you’re a social media influencer, Instagram by itself won't move the needle in your business. But in combination with a smart comprehensive marketing strategy, IG can be a critical part of your game plan. But I repeat, it is not your business.

That group coaching program with a waiting list? Those candles you make and sell by the dozens? That new nail polish collection your wholesalers are eagerly awaiting to pre-order?⁣ Your booked-out-for-the-year graphic design agency?

That's your business.

Use Instagram to connect, to serve, and yes, to sell, but don't act like it's your bread and butter. And remember that even if you are nailing the ice cream method and writing text-book perfect captions, your audience will grow in proportion to the love you pour into them.⁣


You clearly want to excel at Instagram. So, before you post, there are three questions you should ask yourself: 

  1. Is this content right for my target audience?  

  2. Did I clearly state my end goals and desired response with a CTA?

  3. Am I showing up with that clean energy

Happy Instagram posting, dear!  


Disclosure: There are affiliate links in this blog post, which means we may receive commissions for purchases made through these links. We wouldn’t recommend them if we didn’t personally believe in them and use them for our business. Thank you in advance for your support and we hope you find our suggestions valuable as you grow your business!

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