Ask The Experts: How to Master Working From Home


We all know the work from home life is a lot like that grass is always greener phrase: it seems amazing until it’s not anymore. Finding and maintaining focus when there is no one holding you accountable or motivating you to keep going is a true feat, and it’s not something many of us are born to maintain day in and day out. I’ve been working from home since 2011, and the truth is, I brought in my first intern and my first hire solely because I wanted another body in the room. I needed that energy and that accountability partner. I knew she’d be relying on me to keep tasks moving along and clients coming in the door.

Fast forward almost 10 years, and while yes, I’ve mastered the WFH art by most people’s standards, (check out my top tips for practicing self-care while working from home), I can honestly say in some ways nothing has changed. I still need to feel the energy of other busy bees working along side me from time to time.

Before Covid-19, I would find that energy in coffee shops or co-working spaces. During Covid-19, I was lucky enough to have my partner in crime working from home beside me. But as some people start to go back to offices, and some settle into a new routine that includes working from home all or some of the time, let’s take a moment to learn - or remember - what it really takes to be efficient and productive at home.

Advice from successful small business owners who have mastered the work from home life:

I have been working from home for almost two years now and have learned a lot in the process of trialing and erroring. If you are new to working from home, give yourself a break because there is definitely an adjustment period as you find a flow that works for you. 

“What’s your number one tip for those new to working from home?”

Creating a routine that you can stick to is critical. As a self-proclaimed and proud workaholic, I've never had a problem being productive. My biggest challenge has always been about finding and maintaining, a balance between work and self and defining clear boundaries. I have found that being flexible in how I define my "work hours" and intentionally dedicating time not to work are both really important in keeping me from burning out. Work towards changing how you approach the "workday" by reframing it from the "9-5" that has been burned into your muscle memory and instead finding a routine that works best for you, your life, and your goals. 

A good place to start is by reclaiming the time you saved from your commute and repurposing it into a positive activity that is just for you and will help shape your mindset for the day. For me this means a consistent skin-care routine, exercising, meditating, journaling, and eating breakfast. Don't get me wrong, I don't fit in all of those things into every dayinstead, I allow myself the flexibility to be in the moment and opt into the things that suit me day-to-day. Find a few things that bring you joy and make you feel good and start playing around with integrating those activities during your dedicated “no-work” hours. 

“Have you made any changes to your routine during/since the pandemic?”

Since the pandemic began, I have had to lean more heavily on these self-care practices and have peppered more “no-work” breaks into my day. Small walks around my neighborhood, 10-minute meditations on Headspace, snacks, and foam roller stretches have been key for keeping me feeling positive and inspired, both of which are critical for my success as an entrepreneur.  

“What’s your number one tip for those struggling to master working from home?”

Start early. I have the most mental clarity and focused energy in the morning, so I’ve created my WFH routine around rising and setting with the sun. I was talking to one of my team members about it the other day and he called it “alignment with the earth cycles,” which sounds a little woo woo, but it really does feel good to move with nature when so many things feel unnatural.

“Have you made any changes to your routine during/since the pandemic?”

Yes! I’ve adjusted several things during the lockdown to stay balanced. These are my top 2 impactful shifts: 

  1. Surround yourself with all the good sh*t. Only keep healthy snacks on hand, bring plants into your work area or work outside, watch uplifting things, and make space for art, family photos, inspired quotes, your ‘why statement’, etc. - whatever it takes to remind you there’s still so much beauty in the world. I’ve also started listening to these ‘positive affirmations for entrepreneurs’ as I’m falling asleep.

  2. Dream wide. I’ve been diligent about giving good time and energy every day toward expansive dreaming. Visualizing things that make me feel hopeful and excited about the future - things I want to create, ways I want to serve, and people I want to connect with. Seeing a bright future and taking consistent action in a specific direction feels so good right now.

Last year you made the brave leap and went from firm life to work-from-home life! What do you do to set yourself up for success?

Every Sunday, I sit down to write out my schedule for the week so that I’m prepared for the days ahead. I also rely on time blocking, communicating my schedule to those close to me, and turning off notifications (sometimes even just switching my phone to “do not disturb” mode!).

My #1 tip to mastering the WFH situation is to have dedicated working hours and set expectations so coworkers, bosses, and your #quarantine buddies know when you are working and when you're off the clock.

Since you are the master of space, do you have any advice on how to set up an ideal work space?

When it comes to setting up your ideal workspace, I recommend creating a mood board. You can change this out by the week or month or just as you find new images that inspire you! There is just something inspiring about physically having this hung up at your desk (instead of just having a completely digital one). Remember to include pictures, quotes, fabrics, photos, anything that inspires you. Pin them to a bulletin board, use magnets, clips, and a metal grid, or my personal favorite, wallpaper the walls with your inspo. Use whatever you have on hand – no need to go out and buy bulletin boards and push pins if you don’t have them already. Go big or go home – well you are home, so I guess you can have your cake and eat it, too!

(P.S. If you want help creating your perfect work-from-home space, send Courtney a DM on Instagram and mention my name, and she’s offering $100 off her services!)


A personal tip regarding your workspace: I echo Lyric’s advice to add some greenery! A little succulent or a perky pothos (an easy to care for vine plant) on your desk or within your line of sight can truly breathe fresh air into your home office. Studies have found that the presence of plants in the workplace increases overall productivity. Mind blowing, right? I also find joy in my Monday watering ritual. It’s part of my prep routine and signals the weekend is over and it’s time to get to work.

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