7 Truths You Should Hear Today


Being the creative entrepreneur and CEO that you were meant to be is a journey that takes time. It’s easy to feel like we’re spinning our wheels or doing something that isn’t important. But the reality is that no matter where you are in your business (or in life), you’ve got a lot to give.

These 7 truths are meant to remind you that you are worth it, you are capable, and you bring something to this world that no one else can. Read one each day - or focus on one per week for the next 7 weeks. There’s no right way to find strength in these powerful words. Say them to yourself, hang them by your desk, whatever it takes for you to take these truths to heart. 

7 Inspirational Truths You Need To Hear Today

1. Time isn't your enemy. Success happens when you stop racing against time and start asking her to tango. Let her help you fill your cup.

7 truths for creative female entrepreneurs shared by Tiffany Napper, holistic business coach for female business owners

2. Aligned action is not always met without resistance. Find the courage to push through the resistance and learn to know the difference between hard because it's not the right next step and hard because it is the right next step. 

7 truths for creative female entrepreneurs shared by Tiffany Napper, holistic business coach for female business owners 

3. Practicing daily gratitude doesn't mean you have to easily love something every day. It just means you are training yourself to find one thing to love every day. 

7 truths for creative female entrepreneurs shared by Tiffany Napper, holistic business coach for female business owners

4. Practicing "Apraigraha" ("nonattachment" in sanskit, i.e. the language of yoga) is just as important on the mat as it is in your business.

Krishna wisely said, "Do not let the results of your action be your motive, and do not be attached to inaction."

7 truths for creative female entrepreneurs shared by Tiffany Napper, holistic business coach for female business owners 

5. The world needs more of you and your bold, creative dreams.

7 truths for creative female entrepreneurs shared by Tiffany Napper, holistic business coach for female business owners 

6. The way you speak to yourself matters. The people whispering in your ear matter. Say nice things, and find nice people.

7 truths for creative female entrepreneurs shared by Tiffany Napper, holistic business coach for female business owners 

7. Rejection of an offer is not a rejection of you. You are worthy, you are valuable, and you are smart enough to know that every "No" is simply more information for your playbook. 

7 truths for creative female entrepreneurs shared by Tiffany Napper, holistic business coach for female business owners 

Do us a favor and tag us on Instagram (@TiffanyNapper) if you share one of these truths! We want to know which one inspires you the most.

And if you still feel stuck, check out our tips to move the needle in your business today.

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7 truths you should hear today for female creative entrepreneurs shared by holistic business coach Tiffany Napper