21 Money Mantras to Create Financial Freedom


Money can be the root of intense stress, we all know that. But did you know that your thoughts and beliefs about money could be elevating that stress?

As I connect with creative business owners ready to uplevel, I’ve realized how much difference a healthy money mindset can make in one person’s success and another person’s failure.

If you’re a creative businesswoman, these money mantras can help you adopt a more positive money mindset, aka they can turn you into a money magnet.

Operating from a place of abundance rather than scarcity is the key to finding clarity and peace in many aspects of your life. When your money mindset is healthy, your daily thoughts aren’t clouded with worries when it comes to your bills, rent, or income.

When you trust that you are worthy of money and that what you offer is valuable, your financial life will flow toward the energy you give it. If you feed it scarcity, it will give you more scarcity. If you feed it abundance, you will receive abundance.

Seems simple, but adopting a mindset of wealth and abundance takes practice, and I’ve found one of the best methods of practice is in repeating mantras to train your brain to believe in a new narrative. What we think affects how we feel, and how we feel affects the actions we take and the results we get.

The following 21 powerful money mantras, or money scripts as some people call them, can transform your mind into a natural state of abundance. If you need to develop a better relationship with money, these money mantras work. Number 6 is one I personally use often when I feel myself slipping into a scarcity mindset.

  1. I’m tuned into the flow of money. 

  2. The universe always serves my highest interest.

  3. Money allows me to do meaningful things.

  4. I deserve an abundant life and I am worthy of riches.

  5. I am rich with health, wealth, love, joy, and happiness. 

  6. Money flows freely and easily to me.

  7. Manifesting money comes naturally to me.

  8. I give myself permission to be abundant in every way.

  9. Money comes to me in expected and unexpected ways.

  10. The more I enjoy life, the more money I make. 

  11. There are no limits to what I can and will achieve today.

  12. I am on the road to financial freedom.

  13.  I always have more than enough for everything I need.

  14. I am grateful for the abundance I have and the abundance on its way.

  15. My business is growing, expanding, and thriving.

  16. There is no limit to the amount of money I am capable of earning.

  17. I am worthy of all the richness I desire.

  18. Others’ success is a sign of what is possible. I have all I need to reach my goals.

  19. Success is inevitable for me.

  20. I am commited to bringing value, quality, and transformation, and I will be rewarded beyond my wildest dreams.

  21. I play to win BIG, and I see opportunities everywhere.

 ✨ Did you love this article about mantras? You should check out 11 Morning Mantras To Brighten Your Day.

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